ACT and SAT Test Prep Professional

Dream school feel out of reach?

High scores can turn dream school into reality.

Bright Futures Scholarship and National Merit Finalist

Do you need higher ACT, CLT or SAT scores?

If so, I’d love to help!

These days, having high scores is more than just helping students get accepted to their school of choice. It’s about affordability!

Schedule a FREE Test Prep consultation today or email

I help students earn full tuition scholarships through high ACT, CLT and SAT test scores!

LIVE Tutoring Classes or Private Coaching

(Zoom + In-Person)

Better Scores…

Brighter Futures.

Our group classes coach through the ACT, CLT or SAT practice tests and provide strategies to help students get to the correct answer as fast as possible.

Join at any time. Learn more here.

SAT Test Prep Leads to Higher Scores


Each class is two hours long and the pricing for the test prep and scholarship training is as follows:

1 two hour class — $250 (2 hours — $125/hr.)

10 two hour classes — $2200 (20 hours — $110/hr.)

20 two hour classes — $4000… full program (40 hours — $100/hr.)

***Industry standard is being coached through ten practice tests. This takes 20 coaching sessions.

“Can coaching truly boost SAT scores? For years, the College Board said no. Now it says yes.”

The Washington Post, May 9th, 2017